Govt. of West Bengal
KC College
KC College

Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs)

Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs)

The PTMs organized in the Department are fundamentally based on three simple though crucial principles. First, for a sampling to transform into a tree, care is needed from all the stakeholders. In the students' case, it is the parents and the teachers. Second, a transparent environment promotes informed decisions and discourages miscommunication. Third, students should be aware of the efforts being made for their development and should be responsible towards those who care for them. With this mindset, the department has been organizing PTMs to facilitate a healthy relationship between the parents and the teachers so that they can collectively at least once a year take stock of the progress of the students.


PTM (2022)




Link to the Related Documents 


PTM (2023)



                                                                                                                    Link to the Related Documents