Govt. of West Bengal
KC College
KC College



About NSS


The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It provides opportunity to the students of our college to take part in various government led community service activities andprogrammes. The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service.

  • NSS is a noble experiment in academic expansion.
  • It encapsulates the spirit of voluntary work among the students and the teachers to sustain community interaction.
  • It brings academic institutions closer to the society.
  • It shows how to combine knowledge and action to achieve the desirable results leading to community development.


Brief History of NSS of Our College


National Service  Scheme of this college was started in the month of November in 1973, as per the Bulletin of National  Service  Scheme, University of Burdwan, December, 1976. The NSS has been introduced in the collegeto promote national consciousness and to inculcate a sense of social responsibility, discipline among students. Since inception of the NSS at our college in the session 1973 – 1974, the huge number of students have volunteered to take part in various community service programmes. Now the NSS of this college has 2 units, each of which is headed by efficient Programme Officers who also happen to be faculty members of the institute, Mr. Mahananda Barman , Assistant Professor of the Department of English is the Programme Officer of Unit-I, NSS and Mr. Nayem Aktar, State Aided College Teacher of English is the Programme Officer of Unit-II of  NSS. The Programme Officers are dedicated towards instilling within the students the spirit of selfless service and arouse in them a sense of social and civic responsibility.  To conduct such activities a separate room is allotted to them. There is a Advisory committee of NSS under chairmanship of our Principal. Each unit of this college adopts a nearby village where the student volunteers work and attend Special camps.

            A maximum of 100 students (both boys and girls) can take part in one unit. Students take active part in various service oriented social activities inside as well outside the college campus under the table guidance of a programme officer. They organize camps yearly in rural areas making the leaving condition better for the inhabitants. They perform social service through literacy drive, cultural programmes, medical checkups, Blood-Collection camps; Environmental awareness and so on. They also celebrate different memorable and notable days. After performing 240 hours of social service in a span of 2 years the volunteers or Members are awarded N.S.S. certificate by the University of Burdwan.


Objectives of NSS


  • The specific objective of our NSS units are to arouse the student’s social consciousness and provide opportunity to them.
  • To work with and among the people of slum area as well as the urban areas.
  • To encourage the NSS volunteers in non-violent and constructive social activities.
  • To understand the community in which the volunteers work
  • To understand themselves in relation to the community in which they live
  • To identify the needs and problems of their community and involve themselves in the problem solving process.   
  • To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibilities
  • To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems
  • To develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities
  • To gain skills in mobilizing the community participation
  • To acquire the leadership qualities and democratic attitude
  • To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters
  • To practice national integration and social harmony


Motto of NSS


The motto of NSS is “NOT ME BUT YOU”

This reflects the essence of democratic living

  • Upholds the need for selfless service
  • Appreciation of the other person’s point of view
  • Also shows consideration for fellow human beings.


Programme Officers


Name of the Programme Officers of NSS

MR MAHANANDA BARMAN, Assistant Professor of the Department of ENGLISH is the Programme Officer of Unit-I, NSS

MR NAYEM AKTAR, SACT of ENGLISH is the Programme Officer of Unit-II, NSS.


Annual Report


NSS Annual Report 2023-24

NSS Annual Report 2022-23

NSS Annual Report 2021-22

NSS Annual Report 2020-21

NSS Annual Report 2019-20

NSS Annual Report 2018-19


Programme Video


All Program in 2022-23